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An abstract landscape photograph of gold aspen leaves covering the ground

Magic Carpet – 2020

This abstract landscape photograph was captured during fall in White Butte Trails, Saskatchewan. Autumn of 2020 sits in stark contrast to the fall season of 2019. Where we experienced colder than normal temperatures in 2019, 2020 brought balmy 20 Celcius highs through the middle of October. 2019 blasted Saskatchewan with a snowstorm in early October, but 2020 didn’t even bring frost all of September. Where it rained most of the 2019 fall season, 2020 brought dry weather. The added moisture created some nice foggy mornings in 2019, 2020 forgot fog was a thing. As a Saskatchewan landscape photographer in the fall of 2020, I was longing for the good old days.

So, when the forecast called for a small amount of rain in the overnight hours, I got excited about the possibilities that might bring. I ventured out to this hiking network the following day to look for some vibrant foliage, mist, or other great photographic. After a short time, though, I found that, while it rained, it hadn’t rained enough to alter the landscape in my favour. With beautiful fall colours all around, I was desperate to make a photograph. I wandered to an area of the nature area that is less overgrown than others and immediately fell in love with the carpet of wet aspen leaves covering the ground.

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